Highest Quality Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Services
Results that last a lifetime
Why LoneStar Autism Solutions?
LoneStar Autism Solutions is proud to be affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Center for Autism (CCCA), which is recognized as a world leader in autism services. The Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism has been a national leader since 1998, continually conducting research to identify causes and advance treatments for autism spectrum disorders. The affiliation gives LoneStar Autism Solutions access to resources and research that enhance our ability to help children succeed.

Our Autism Services
Behavior Assessment and Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA)
We use informal parent interviews, formal standardized assessments, and direct observations to assess the skills and needs of your child.
Early Intervention Services
If your child is under 3 years old and is at-risk for developmental delays, we have you covered. We focus on increasing behaviors that connect your child to his/her environment and foster natural learning and growth.
Parent Training
We provide ongoing parent training to support confidence in teaching and interacting with your child as well as faster skill acquisition and generalization to the home and community settings.
ARD Support / School Consults
We can attend and provide guidance regarding your child’s IEP as well as conduct behavioral consults in the school.
Full Spectrum Services
We provide optional supplemental services such as speech and occupational therapy at our clinic, allowing ease of service and professional collaboration.
Providing the Highest Quality Behavioral Healthcare for Results that Last a Lifetime

At LoneStar Autism Solutions, we are dedicated to helping children on the autism spectrum maximize their personal growth and build a foundation for success through positive and evidence-based interventions.