As we venture into Fall we want to update families on a few things happening at the clinic and in our community.
First, thank you to all of our families for persevering with us through this pandemic. Covid-19 has changed how we live our lives but one thing that has not changed is our dedication to helping our clients and their families. We have been able to stay open throughout this period. We are continuing to implement extra cleaning measures and social distancing practices recommended by the CDC. We appreciate families following our safety protocols during drop off and pick up.
We are excited about the progress our clients are making!
- One client did amazing during a gross motor break, while the younger clients were at recess, who he is learning to interact with in positive ways! He also asked to push a younger client on the swing while playing outside!
- Another client recently started a bike riding program. It began with tolerating a helmet and learning to rotate his legs on an under desk pedal bike. He is now initiating riding the bike, steering well, stopping by back pedaling, and progressing with figuring out how to move the bike when it is stuck! So awesome
- Our final client this week has been doing an amazing job over all and has mastered quite a few programs recently. He is doing an amazing job initiating play with peers at school and his in- appropriate behaviors at school have almost completely disappeared. We are very excited about this progress!
On another note, we wanted to let families know that we are in talks with a few different organizations to possibly expand our services and are looking forward to some new opportunities in the future. We will announce more as new information becomes available.
We are excited to announce that we have an ad placed in the Dallas Cowboys Bluebook. It was also in the book of the Rangers this year. These teams are sharing this with their season ticket holders and others, even without their usual audiences.
Community Events!
One of the family friendly events coming up in October is Drive-thru Boo at the Fort Worth Zoo! This year families can drive through the main area of the park and view the animals from their cars. Tickets are $50 per vehicle and reservations must be made in advance. You can find out more information here: https://www.fortworthzoo.org/boo-at-the-zoo
We are on social media! Check out our Facebook page for more pictures and events.
Published on October 2, 2020