School Has Started Equals More Spaces

It is late August and lots of children are attending school again. We have some new space for additional children, since some of the older children who were here in summer are back at school part time. Please get in touch with Kathleen Lively, 817-522-5052, to discuss your interest in ABA services.

After a busy summer, the turn-around time for intakes and service starting is now just a few days.

Our staff and families will be a walk team at the Autism Speaks Walk on 9/16/18 in Ft. Worth. We will be glad to hear from any others who would like to come on the walk that day and/or contribute to the fund raising goal for Autism Speaks.

We would like to brag on our staff:

  • All have a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in a human service field.
  • We have some bi-lingual staff, in Spanish or Arabic. One also has Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi.
  • Some staff are in graduate school part-time, pursuing farther training in this field.
  • Staff turn over is minimal.  Some staff cycle through as summer or part time staff.  New staff hired are mainly here due to expansion.
  • BCBA is on-site every day and meets with each family monthly.  Access to BCBA is easy to set up on other days.


Published on August 24, 2018