April Events at LoneStar Solutions

We have several activities in April, beyond our ABA services.

On April 18th, from 4:45pm-7:00pm, our monthly parent meeting will be at the clinic, 1112 E. Copeland Rd. Suite 310, in Arlington.  Our program will be by our speech therapist who is with Jump Start speech, Kaitlin Bednarz, MS,CF-SLP and her supervisor Lauren Roe, MS, CCC-SLP. Kaitlin comes to LoneStar Solutions to do 1:1 speech therapy with children whose parent desire it. The topic is how to enhance communication with and by your child.

As always this program is open to other parents/families beyond our current clients’ families. Call Kathleen Lively, 817-522-5052 to RSVP.

Other dates: April 28th from 4pm to 6pm is our LoneStar Solutions Meet and Play date at the First Baptist Church of Mansfield.  Come socialize with other parents while the kids play on the large indoor play-scape.  More details later in April, but please tell families you know that this is open to all with kids on the spectrum in this area.  We do need RSVP’s to Kathleen by April 20th.

April 28th in the morning, we will walk with others at the Hatching Hope Foundation Steps for Autism Walk in Keist Park in Dallas.  One of our children has a Team walking and we support her and all kids and families.

April 2, 8:30am-6:30pm, is an event at UNT Health Sciences Center in Ft. Worth. April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, in Medical Education &Training Building Room 109.   The free information fair is topical tables for discussion, a panel discussion, and happy hour.  See https://www.unthsc.edu/AutismAwareness2018.

April 3, 4pm-8:30pm: We will have a table at the Making Connections Disability Resource Fair in Colleyville.  This is organized by the IDD Council of Tarrant Co, and is occurring at the Grapevine-Colleyville Professional Development & Education Center, 5800 Colleyville Blvd., Colleyville 76034. Come say hello if you are attending this event.

Published on March 30, 2018